study present simple affirmative

Claire never (eat) fish. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. 1. She is not my sister. He is at home. He didn’t study the simple present chapter. I / like bacon sandwiches 3. Am I a doctor? You live You don’t live Do you live? We live We don’t live Do we live? For this writing activity, the students will use the present simple to create statements from a list of prompts on the board. Complete the sentences. 1. He is not at home. It lives It doesn’t live Does it love? 8. 7. He get up / gets up at eight o’clock in the morning. 3. She lives She doesn’t live Does she live? She worked hard for her grades this year. 2. A. He’s a photographer and an entomologist. She is my sister. The Jane / take the bus to School 2. My dog never sleep / sleeps in the living room. Present simple affirmative and interrogative study guide by Florencesot includes 30 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. He lives He doesn’t live Does he live? He goes all over the world to study ants. It did work. An entomologist studies bugs. David _____ table-tennis. You are an engineer. Is he at home? Complete the sentences, choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets. Spelling Tip. Are you an engineer? 3. (play/plays) 2. 6. He studied the simple present chapter. STUDY: PRESENT SIMPLE AFFIRMATIVE USE We use the simple present to talk about: repeated actions, facts and generalizations. James never (make) the bed. 4. Do / Does she study English everyday? Use Present Simple affirmative. In fact, his nickname is Doctor Bugs. te You live You don’t live Dou you live? This means we have to add –es in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it) while the main verb will be used in the infinitive. PRESENT SIMPLE AFFIRMATIVE exercise. He danced excellent flamenco. I _____ (study) French. EXAMPLE: 1. Add the following to the board and have students make affirmative and negative sentences: 1. My brother _____ (play) football. I am not a doctor. 1. It didn’t work. She cleaned her desk to study better. 2. It is a dog. John / go to school 5. She didn’t work too hard for her grades this year. You are not an engineer. Doctor Moffett’s favorite bug is the ant. verb to do in the present simple. Rosie never (study) at the library. Repeated actions Use the present simple tense to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. LESSON 1 Simple Present: Affirmative Statements Doctor Bugs Most people don’t like bugs, but Doctor Mark Moffet loves them! Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. My sister sometimes (go) to dance classes. 2. Present Simple Tense, Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Examples Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am a doctor. 7. Is she my sister? He help / helps her mother to clean the kitchen. He didn’t dance all … Aurora and Mia never (go) out with friends. It is not a dog. He / study English in the morning 4. She didn’t clean her desk. Charlie ... (learn) English. Present Simple Tense – Affrimative, Negative Interrogative; Affirmative Negative Interrogative I live I don’t live Do I live? 6. In the present simple 3rd person singular (he, she, it), add s, es, or ies to the base form of the verb. We _____ (eat) hamburguers. 5.

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